Search Results
Cops and Coins! | Metal Detecting Adventure for lost 1800s Treasure
Police Never Wanted Us To Metal Detect, So We Searched HERE Instead!!
Metal Detecting 1893 homestead and the POLICE were called
Jackpot! I Found A 1800's Woman's Handbag, With Content!
#78 Metal Detecting, Old Neighborhoods and Bad Cops
I Found Something Illegal Metal Detecting Underwater (Cops Called)
1800’s Cemetery, Metal Detecting a Gold Rush Mining Camp, Does KJC need help? Bonus footage too!
Metal Detecting with the VIXENS - COPS CALLED on Us AGAIN and SILVER FOUND !
COPS CALLED -- Metal Detecting 1800s Church
Silver and Gold Coins Found Metal Detecting a Old Camp! Gone Diggin!
Treasure Hunting - Metal Detecting - Old Country Club (DAY 1)
Metal Detecting - Cops Called